January was a month full of fun and exploration! The children delved into the wonders of winter, snow, and ice, learning about polar bears, penguins, hibernating animals, and creatures that leave tracks in the snow. Our focus was on Antarctica, where the children explored its unique terrain, animal survival strategies, and icebergs. They also discovered that no one permanently lives there, but scientists visit for research purposes. Our book of the month was The Mitten by Jan Brett.
In computer class, the children followed a self-paced curriculum that included language and math skills. For enrichment, they reviewed and practiced words they’ve learned so far this year. In art class, the children created their own interpretations of Van Gogh’s paintings using foil. In cooking class, the children had fun making a variety of recipes, and one of the favorites was teddy bear toast!
February is dedicated to Cultural Awareness and Friendship! We’ll focus on what it means to be a good friend and learn about friendship through songs and games that highlight how we are both similar and different. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and we’ll be celebrating the wonderful friendships your children have built with one another. On February 14th, we’ll have a Valentine’s Day Snack Party, which will include a simple card exchange. Keep an eye out for the sign-up sheets! Also, we are offering a Parents Night Out for Valentines Day. 6:00pm-9:00pm. $45 per child
Please note that on February 25th, we’ll be closing early for our Open House. All children must be picked up by 3 p.m. The event will run from 330 p.m. to 530 p.m., and children are welcome to attend with their parents. Additionally, we will be closed on February 17th for Presidents’ Day and on February 18th for In-Service Day
Wishing everyone a beautiful February!