Star Montessori Academy

Toddler Room

May News

 Hello May! This month we will explore the continent of Africa. We will discuss their culture, foods, and traditions they celebrate. We will also learn all about Dinosaurs and how fossils are made. The most exciting thing about May is learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly. We will read the book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and our class will be getting caterpillar eggs and watching it grow from a cocoon into a butterfly. 

The month of May is dedicated to all our wonderful mothers. We will be celebrating them in a special way. We hope everyone can join us! 

April Recap

 April was filled with lots of fun and exciting things. This month's theme was, Our Planet Earth and Oceana. We took the children outside to pick up trash and talked to them about the importance of keeping the earth clean. Luckily, this year we were able to experience the solar eclipse. We showed the children educational videos of how it all happens. Now that we’ve entered the spring season, we taught the class how a seed grows into a plant. We went outside and watered the blooming flowers that we planted in our garden. 

This month's book, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, focuses on reviewing the letters of the alphabet. We did a colorful art craft of the palm tree. The children practice their fine motor skills and hand eye coordination by peeling the sticker letters and applying them on the worksheet. A sensorial activity the children really enjoyed was practicing paper ripping. This activity was challenging for them but they didn’t give up and got better with practice. 

March Recap

March was an exciting month in Room 2. The theme for March was Rainforest and South America. The children learned where South America is located and learned about their food and music. During circle time, we enjoyed dancing to the different music. Another thing we talked about in March was the rainforests in South America. We learned about the different kinds of animals that live in forests, including sloths, snakes, jaguars, and toucans. The children enjoyed celebrating Dr. Suess’ birthday and doing fun arts. Our literature book was Dr. Seuss’ Mr. Brown can Moo! Can You? The letters we covered were W, X, Y, and Z. We also had so much celebrating St. Patrick’s Day and doing a lot of arts and crafts.

Our Enrichment for March was very fun. We made green eggs and ham treats, ants on a log, a Shamrock shake, and a rainbow toast for cooking. During our cuisine, the children all participate in the activity of either mixing, pouring, or spreading. This has become one of their favorite things to do at school! The children made rain sticks, Dr. Seuss hats, and rainbow rock paintings for art. For music, we learned about Antonio Vivaldi. In Spanish, the children learned the colors of the rainbow and spring words. 

February Recap

February was such a blast in room 2! It was full of joy and love! February’s theme was Cultural Awareness and Friendship. The toddlers learned how everyone in our classroom is different in many ways and learned how to respect one another. We talked about the importance of having friends and the different ways we can make friends; talking nicely, sharing, and playing with one another. During circle time we danced to music from around the world. The children really enjoyed all the arts and crafts we did for Valentine’s. We made handprint hearts, ladybugs, and gnome dot painting. Our letters for the month were S, T, U, and V and learned its phonics. Our literature book for February was Little Blue and Little Yellow. The book is about friendship and explains that we don’t have to be the same to be good friends. After reading the book, the children had the chance to see what happens when we mix blue and yellow paint, just like in the story. Enrichment was a lot of fun! In Spanish the children learned how to say friends-amigos, heart-corazon, and flowers-flores. In music we learned about Johannes Brahms and listened to the music he composed. For cooking we made a fruit salad and a friendship trail mix. The children also got to practice slicing bananas. 

January Recap

The theme for the month was Winter Animals and Hibernation. The toddlers learned about the animals that live in the snow. Their favorite was the polar bear. They enjoyed creating their own polar bear by painting a stenciled bear with white paint and paint dabbers. The child also enjoyed painting on ice! We discussed what hibernation is and the animals that hibernate during the wintertime. The new work for January was inspired by winter and snow. Our letters of the month were O, P, Q, and R and learned phonics. During circle time we sang the “Days of the week” and the “Months of the year”. For Spanish the children learned about the weather; soleado-sunny, lloviendo-raining, and nublado-cloudy. We also sang “Buenas tardes” and practiced counting in Spanish. For our enrichment cooking the children had a lot of fun making a bear in a cave. For music we learned about Beethoven and listened to his music he composed. For art we made snowflakes and a star night foil painting. Our literature book for January was The Mitten by Jan Brett. This book was perfect with our theme, as it shows the animals that live in the cold weather and how they try to keep warm. 

December Recap

Our theme was Seasons and Holidays. We learned about the Christmas traditions in America, Germany, and Mexico. The letters of the month were L, M, and N and learned the phonics. The children really enjoyed our Montessori work cycle which was inspired by Christmas. The children loved decorating the Christmas tree as part of their work. They also got to work with Christmas puzzles, scooping “snowballs”, and working with ornaments using tongs.

Throughout the month we sang I’m a Little Snowman and Santa Shark to prepare for our Christmas performance! 

For our Enrichment cooking the children made a snowman out of bananas and pretzels. They also made a reindeer out of celery. For Spanish we learned a few Christmas and winter words; elf-duende, Santa- Papa Noel, and frio-cold. For music we practiced our Christmas songs. For art the children worked with dot painting. We also made candy canes and Christmas trees. Our literature book for December was The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. The story is about love and friendship and discussed the importance of both. 

November Recap

In Room 2 November proved to be an exciting month. The theme for the month was Harvest and Healthy Bodies, and the children learned effective ways to keep their bodies healthy. We discussed the importance of having good eating habits, such as consuming fruits and veggies, drinking milk and water, and avoiding junk food. I showed the children pictures of different foods and asked them if they were healthy or only "sometimes okay to eat." After reviewing the pictures daily, some of the children could identify healthy foods on their own.

During circle time, we focused on teaching the children the letters i, j, and k and their respective sounds. We used sandpaper letters so that children could trace them with their fingers. We also talked about Thanksgiving, and the children enjoyed making turkey handprints and coloring their leaves. The children learned how to name their body parts in Spanish for our Enrichment Spanish class. They also learned to say mom, dad, brother, baby, and sister. In cooking, the children made apple pie roll-ups and participated in a "Filling a Bucket" activity, where they scooped fruit and put it in a cup of yogurt. For art, the children painted gratitude rocks. After they painted their rocks, I asked each child what they were grateful for. It was heartwarming to hear most of their responses were about their moms.

November's literature book, Fill a Bucket, by Carol McCloud, teaches about emotions, kindness, and how we can make others happy by filling their buckets.

October Recap

What a spooky and fun time we had in Room 2! Our theme for the month was “Five Senses and Feelings.” The children learned what our hands, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth are used for. We learned new songs during circle time like “I like to eat”, “Head and shoulders”, and the “Silence game”. The letters of the month were E, F, G, and H. We worked on their phonics and worked on the sandpaper letters. For our Montessori work, we worked on using tweezers and clothespins. Our literature book was Going on a Leaf Hunt. The children had a great time during our Enrichment activities. For cooking, we made spiders, apple donuts, and a pumpkin fluff. Cooking was their favorite! For art, we made pumpkin suncatchers and salt painted spider webs. For Spanish, we learned about feelings, our five senses, fall vocabulary, and Dia de los Muertos and Halloween. During October, we also talked about Halloween and discussed the itsy-bitsy spiders, pumpkins, and costumes. They enjoyed making mummies using tape and toilet paper rolls.

September 2023

September was the start of a new school year! We welcomed new friends and were happy to see our returning friends! Our theme for the month was "Welcome to School: All About Me". We discussed our family and shared family pictures on the family tree in the classroom. The children get very happy seeing pictures of their mommies and daddies. During circle time, we also discussed things we do at school and ways to make friends. The month's letters were A, B, C, and D. The children worked on sandpaper letters and learned phonics.

For our Montessori work, we worked on spooning balls, knobless cylinders, and using tongs. The children also enjoyed singing "The Wheels on the Bus" and "I Love You". Our literature book was The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. This book talks about emotions a child goes through at the beginning of a new adventure, like starting school, and how they can cope with those feelings. It is perfect as it fits well with the theme of the month. For enrichment, we learned how to say some colors in Spanish and say hello and goodbye—for cooking, the children made apple pie in a cup and a school bus. For our cooking activities, the toddlers mix ingredients, stirring or spreading. For art, we painted a school bus and painted their little hand for the kissing hand.

Summer 2023

These summer months have been full of amazing learning activities for our Toddler class. We learned about underwater life, the seas, the oceans, and animals from the land that inhabit them. Our water days have been a splashing success!

The kids learned a lot about science, the dimensions and forms the bubbles can take, and the concept of elasticity and expansion--all key concepts for their later learning years. Not only were we painted on--We painted and crafted the things we've learned about from these aspects of our Earth, and we have many more art projects to do together. This past month, we've thoroughly covered all our primary bases, such as shapes and colors.

Curriculum for May:

Themes: Dinosaurs & Africa

Geography: Africa

Literature: The Very Hungry Caterpillar


  • Art
  • Cooking
  • Music
  • Spanish


  • Please check your child's bin to ensure they have weather appropriate clothes and they are the correct size- please label all your items
  • Check in with the teacher to see that everything on file is up-to-date

Upcoming Dates:

Teacher Appreciation Week

May 6th-10th, 2024

Mother’s Day Tea Party

May 10th, 2024

9:00am - 10:00am

Parent/Teacher Conferences

May 14 - 15, 2024

School Closes at 3pm

Memorial Day

May 27th, 2024

School Closed

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