Star Montessori Academy


12 - 18 months

No longer infants but not quite ready for our Toddler classroom, our Waddler program provides a nurturing environment for this important phase of development.

Monday - Friday (5 days/week)

8:30am - 3:00pm

Our Waddler Program starts at the age of 12 months and continues until 18 months of age. This classroom helps bridge the gap between our Infant and Toddler classrooms. We will work to help every child feel comfortable in our daily group schedule and family-style lunches, as well as build confidence to try new things and make new friends. The directress will create new and exciting activities to help your child grow to their fullest potential. As their development progresses rapidly and changes quickly, our Directress will use a daily communication from to exchange information with parents and chart the needs of these children until they transition into our Toddler program.

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