Star Montessori Academy
October 2021 Blog

October Recap. November News.

October was such an exciting month. We started by learning about our Five Senses and Feelings. This theme was a perfect way to help our students understand why we all have different feelings and how we can deal with each emotion. The Five Senses they learned included Sight, Sound, Smell, Touch, and Taste. They were all so excited about our literature focus for the month. We’re Going on a Leaf Hunt by Steve Metzger. The teachers read this book during circle, and some classes even went on their leaf hunt!

We had so much fun during enrichment classes. The students learned about composer Camille Saint-Saens and his most famous work, The Carnival of Animals. For art, they learned about Picasso and created some inspired pumpkins. For cooking, the children made a fun spider snack, trail mix, and pumpkin fluff. We had a fantastic Bookfair from October 25th- October 29th and finished off the month with a super fun Halloween Costume Parade!

As we move forward towards November, our theme of the month is Harvest and Healthy Bodies. Our literature focus for November is Fill a Bucket by Carol McCloud and Katherine Martin, which teaches our students how to bring in daily happiness for one another. There will be fun art and activities, including Thanksgiving crafts.

Some important dates to remember for November are:

November 3rd – 4th Parent-Teacher conferences (we will be closing at 3 pm for both days)

November 11th – School Closed for Veterans Day

November 24th – Harvest Feast (child-only event)

November 25th – 26th – School Closed for Thanksgiving Break


We will be having our annual See’s Candy Fundraiser all month long. Order before the 30th of the month to get your candy before our Winter Break. We are very thankful for having such amazing families, and we truly do appreciate everything you all do!

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