Star Montessori Academy
September 2021 Blog

September Recap and October News

September Recap:

In September, we began learning about the 7 Continents and even a song to go with it. We also began our Enrichment Programs the second week of this month and our friends explored the Orchestra and learned what a conductor is. They also learned the different sounds of the Orchestra and played a game trying to figure out which sound is which. The children also began Art and the “All About Me” theme and making a self Portrait from example of “Andy Warhol”. They are also reading the book The Kissing Hand all month long.

During this month the theme was All About Me. We are also learning about families and our family tree. Each child has brought in a family picture to share with the class and as well as to have it put up on their classrooms “Family Trees”. We had a blast learning about so many new and exciting things this month.


October News: 


For October, we will be discussing and learning about our Five Sense & Feelings. We will dive into the book Going On A Leaf Hunt and discuss the changing colors of Fall and what else we notice is different during this season change. In Geography, we will focus on North America and the three main countries of Canada, North America and Mexico. We will learn about the terrain, landmarks and culture.

Some of the Enrichment for this month will be focusing on about the music of Composer Camille-Saint Saens and learning the difference between different notes and rest in music, as well as clapping to notes and rest. During the end of the month, we will be learning some fun spooky music. In Art, we are exploring the works of Picasso and beginning to create some fun inspired pumpkins. For cooking the children explored making fun spider snacks, and pumpkin fluff. The children are also learning Spanish again as well as working on the computers and using ABC Mouse program. 

We are having our annual Book Fair during Oct 25th- Oct.29th please feel free to browse thru our selections and purchase your books. We are also having our Costume Parade on Oct. 29th from 9:30am-10:30am. More details to come as we get closer to Halloween.

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